#7 - Orbit of Order - Scriptural

"Let all things be done decently and in order."
Scripture reminds us in the 1Corinthinas 14:40 reference above, that God wants us to be organized use compassion and good sense in all that we do.
We see God setting things in order in Genesis 1, when He made the heavenly bodies to give us light and as time-keepers to organize our days. God's Word is filled with principles to guide our efforts to 'set our house in order.' One important principle comes with a guarantee to nurture peace in our hearts. Matthew 6:33 promises, 
"But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Emphasis mine).

Luke 2:52 caps off this chapter that is rich with the order and priorities Jesus grew into His teen years with, and beyond.
Mark's gospel presents the life of Christ to the Romans, who were a military-minded organized people. Under the inspiration of God, Mark includes a detail of Christ feeding the five thousand miracle, that reminds us that order must be found in all the things we do. Chapter 6 verses 39 and 40 hints at the orderly positions all were to be seated on the green grass, so that no one was missed. Their positions were grouped in 'companies', 'ranks', 'hundreds', and 'by fifties'.

As we adults mentor youth, we must first and foremost show scripture as the pinnacle 'how-to' manual for bringing peace, meaning, and order to their lives... and ours.